Tuesday, May 22, 2018

About chaina

 GDP of China is $12.405 trillion which is the second highest in the world.


The per capita GDP is $9,161 which is the 91st highest in the world.


China uses the Renminbi as their main form of currency. It is also used in Burma,Hong Kong and Macau, and until 2009 it was used in North Korea.


China prides itself in having an economy that is based solely on private property ownership. It is a leading example of state capitalism, and in 2008 there were approximately 30 million privately owned businesses in the country.


Since 1978, China has worked on increasing its investment and export economy, and today it is considered to be one of the fastest growing economy’s in the world.


Ice cream originated in China. It was first invented in 2000 BC when the Chinese put together soft milk and rice in the snow.


Due to differences in time zones, China is often an entire day ahead of the United States.


The Chinese calendar is the oldest known calendar in the world, and it is based off of the moon.


Every year in the Chinese culture is represented by an animal. Each month of each year is also represented by an animal, and there are twelve specific animals that always represent the months of every year.


When a baby loses their first tooth, Chinese parents will either bury the tooth or toss it from the roof of their home. This is to ensure that the new, permanent tooth will grow straight and healthy,


The Chinese first figured out how to make silk, and it was such a secretive process at first that anyone who told another person how to spin silk could be killed.


The Chinese language consists of 40,000 characters, and by the time children reach the fourth grade they are expected to know 2,000 of these characters.


Intricate Chinese knots can be found all over the country. Each knot has a specific design and signifies good luck. Often knots are given as gifts.


Chinese New Year is celebrated each year and is a colorful festival that everyone in China celebrates. It is a time of parties, fun, relaxation and family time.During the Chinese New Year people travel to visit their families, use firecrackers to drive off any evil spirits, pay off their debts and begin the new year with a grandiose feast.


The Dragon Boat Festival is held every year in honor of Qu Yuan, who was a very heroic man in Chinese history. To celebrate his life the Chinese race long skiffs that are designed to look like dragons.


Fortune cookies did not originate in China, instead they were first created in a factory in San Francisco.


Kites were invented by the Chinese and have since been used in battle and to predict the success of certain voyages.


Red is considered a very lucky color in China. At one time traditional wedding dresses were even red.


Toilet paper was first invented in China in the 1300s. When it was invented, only emperors were able to use it.


Many Chinese children have small crickets as pets. They will place them together in a box and have the crickets fight each other for fun.


White is the color of mourning in China.


During the Tang dynasty, people who were educated were expected to say hello and goodbye to all of their acquaintances with original poems.


The industrialization of China has led to increased air pollution. Because of this four of the world's ten most polluted cities are located in China.


Ninety-four percent of the country's population lives in the eastern third of China.


China is believed to have the world's longest continuous civilization, dating back over 40 centuries.


Ninety-two percent of the population of China is comprised of Han Chinese.


China's Shanghai Tower stands at 2,073 feet and is the 2nd-tallest building in the world.


A 57-story skyscraper in China that has 800 apartments and office space for 4,000 was built in just 19 days.


Pork is a large part of what the Chinese eat. In fact, the average person in China consumes about 86 pounds of pork annually.


China is only slightly smaller than the U.S. However, it just has one time zone, which has proved to be troublesome for some regions.


China has a rich cultural history that includes painting, calligraphy, and Kung Fu.


China launched its "One Child Per Couple" policy in 1979 and was the first country to implement such a policy in an effort to control the rapidly expanding population.


There are over 50 ethnic minorities that call China home.


Approximately 80 billion wooden disposable chopsticks are used each year in China. About 20 million trees are cut down each year to meet this demand.


China is the world's largest producer of cement, producing about 60% of the world's cement.


The majority of cave-dwellers live in the Shaanxi region of China. It is estimated that over 30 million people live in caves.


China is home to approximately 475 million pigs, over half of the world's pig population.


Police dogs are pretty common, but police geese? Some police forces in China use geese because they are aggressive and have great eyesight.


A game by the name of Cuju was created in China during the Han Dynasty. This game spread to other parts of the world, and eventually became known as what we know call soccer.


Many Chinese residents tune into a news program by China Central Television, which is run by the state. This program has been the most-watched program on TV since 1978.


Experts predict that by 2030, China will have the largest population of Christians in the world.


China banned video game consoles for many years. The ban was finally lifted to allow game consoles in 2014.


Thames Town, located in Shanghai, is a replica of the city of London.


The last Chinese emperor, named Puyi, became leader at the age of three.


China is credited with the invention of paper, as well as printing.


China is considered one of the four ancient civilizations. The others are Babylonia, Mayan, and Egyptian.


China is home to the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest. The mountain's highest peak reaches to over 29,000 feet.


Urbanization has been extremely rapid in this country. In just 30 years, about 300 million people have relocated from rural areas to the more urbanized cities.


In Chinese mythology, "Nian", a monster, comes out on New Year's Eve to eat people.


About 3,000 websites are blocked in China. This includes such popular sites as Facebook and YouTube.

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