Saturday, May 23, 2020

class 8 electricity

. Write true or false for each statement:

(a) A fuse wire has a high melting point.
Answer. False.

(b) Flow of protons constitutes electric current.
Answer. False.

(c) Silver is an insulator of electricity.
Answer. False.

(d) S.I. unit and commercial unit of electrical energy are same.
Answer. False.

(e) Overloading of electric current in circuits can lead to short circuiting.
Answer. True.

(f) Our body can pass electricity through it.
Answer. True.

(g) All metals are insulators of electricity.
Answer. False.

(h) The earth wire protects us from an electric shock.
Answer. True.

(i) A switch should not be touched with wet hands.
Answer. True.

(j) AH electrical appliances in a household circuit work at the same voltage.
Answer. True.

(k) In a cable, the green wire is the live wire.
Answer. False.

(l) A fuse is connected to the live wire.
Answer. True.

(m) A switch is connected to the neutral wire.
Answer. False.

2. Fill in the blanks

(a) The unit in which we pay the cost of electricity is kWh.
(b) The electrical energy consumed in a house is measured by kWh meter.
(c) In a household electrical circuit, the appliance are connected in parallel with the mains.
(d) A switch is connected to the live wire.
(e) The red colour insulated wire in a cable is the live wire.
(f) One kilowatt hour is equal to 3.6 x 106  joule.
(g) A fuse wire should have low melting point.

3. Match the following

4. Select the correct alternative

(a) All wires used in electric circuits should be covered with

 colouring material
 conducting material
 an insulating material
 none of the above
(b) Electric work done per unit time is

 electrical energy
 electric current
 electric voltage
 electrical power
(c) One kilowatt ¡s equal to

 100 watt
 1000 watt
 10 watt
 none of these
(d) Fuse wire is an alloy of

(e) A fuse wire should have

 a low melting point
 high melting point
 very high melting point
 none of the above
(f) When switch of an electric appliance is put off, it disconnects

 the live wire
 the neutral wire
 the earth wire
 the live and the neutral wire
(g) The purpose of an electric meter in a house is

 to give the cost of electricity directly
 to give the consumption of electrical energy
 to safeguard the circuit from short circuiting
 to put on or off the mains.
(h) If out of the two lighted bulbs in a room, one bulb suddenly fuses, then

 other bulb will glow more
 other bulb will glow less
 other bulb will also fuse
 other bulb will remain lighted unaffected.

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