Monday, July 20, 2020


1.  What is force?
      a. pull
      b. push
      c. push and push both
      d. none of these
2.  What is state of motion?
      a. position of rest
      b. position of motion
      c. both by the state of rest or motion
      d. none of these
3.  The strength of force is expressed by?
      a. weight
      b. mass
      c. magnitude
      d. longitudinal force
4.  The force between two charged bodies is called
      a. muscular force
      b. gravitational force
      c. magnetic force
      d. electrostatic force
5.  When two forces act in opposite directions, then net force acting two forces
      a. sum of two factors
      b. difference bwteen two factors
      c. both of these
      d. none of these
6.  Magnetic force is
      a. contact force
      b. non-contact force
      c. both a and b
      d. none of these
7.  Force acts on an object may change
      a. direction
      b. shape
      c. speed
      d. all of above
8.  Leaves or fruits fall on the ground due to
      a.magnetic force
      b. gravitational force
      c. electrostatic force
      d. muscular force
1.  C
2.  C
3.  C
4.  D
5.  B
6.  B
7.  D
8.  B

1.  How can we decide whether an object is moving faster than the other.
2.  what is required for a force to come into play?
3.  What happens when two forces act in same direction?
4.  A ball is in rest. When it is pushed, why it starts moving?
5.  What is role of force on the speed of moving object?
6.  Is the gravity a property of earth only?
7.  Does liquids and gases also exert pressure?
8.  What is atmosphere?
9.  How to feel force in daily life?
10.  What is electrostatic force? Why is it called non-contact force?
11.  We observe that the wheels of buses and trucks are heavier than the wheels of car or scooters. Why?
12.  What are the examples of muscular force?
13.  Give two examples of a situation in which applied force causes a change in the shape of an object.
14.  How to change the speed and the direction of a moving body?
15.  What are the efftects of force?

1.  Identify the agent exerting force and the object on which it acts when a piece of lemon is squeezed between fingers and juice come out.
2.  Explain that force are due to an interaction between objects.
3.  What are the effects of force?
4.  Explain contact and non-contact forces?
5.  Explain the force of gravity?
6.  If the area of head is 15cmX15cm, how much air (in weight) would you carry on your head?
7.  Does the application of force result in change of state of motion of the object.
8.  What do you meant by pressure? How can we increase the pressure by exerting same force?
9.  Give two factors which affect the effect of changes?
10.  How to describe state of motion?

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k c nag miscellaneous question