Monday, June 1, 2020

solar system

1. Which planet is nearest to the earth?
Answer – MERCURY.

2. Which planet is known as the Morning Star or the Evening Star?
Answer – VENUS.

3. Which is the largest planet in our solar system?
Answer – JUPITER.

4. Which Planet Has the Most Moons?
Answer – the planet with the most number of moons is Jupiter with 66 moons.

5. Which planet is closest to the sun?
Answer – name of the closest planet to the sun is : Mercury.

6. Which Is the Hottest Planet in the solar system?
Answer – Venus.

7. Which Planets Have Rings around Them?
Answer – Saturn,Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune (4 planets).

8. Which is the coldest and smallest of all planets?
Answer – PLUTO.

9. What is the Orbital period of Moon?
Answer – 27 days.

10. Which planet has the most volcanoes?
Answer – Venus.

11. Which planets do not have moons?
Answer – Mercury and Venus.

12. Which Planet spins backwards relative to the others?
Answer – Venus.

13. When was the first man made object sent into space?
Answer – 1957

14. Which planet has approximately the same landmass as Earth?
Answer – Mars.

15. Who was the first person to reach space?
Answer – Yuri Gagarin, in 1961.

16. Who was the first woman to reach space?
Answer – Valentina Tereshkova, in 1963.

17. The Moon orbits the Earth every –
Answer – 27.3 days.

18. When does a lunar eclipse occur?
Answer – when the Earth is between — the Sun and the Moon.

19. At how mush speed Moon moves across the Sun?
Answer – 2,250 km per hour.

20. How many natural satellites of Earth are there?
Answer – one, Moon.

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